Why Your Pet’s Sense of Smell is Their Superpower

Pets, especially dogs and cats, have an amazing sense of smell that’s far beyond what

Dental care at home and in the clinic

Do you know why staying on top of your pet’s dental hygiene is so important?

Is your senior pet struggling with toileting? Learn how to help!

As dogs reach their senior years, they can unfortunately become a little “hit or miss”

Common things occur commonly!

Gut upset is one of the most common health problems that we see in our

Saving your pet: A basic guide to resuscitation

If your pet ever suffers a serious illness or injury, you may have to consent

A double dose of dog: Joys & challenges with two pups

If your pet ever suffers a serious illness or injury, you may have to consent

Pet anxiety: Understanding the signs, causes, and ways to help

Increased heart rate. Increased breathing rate. Dilated pupils. Raised blood pressure. What’s going on?

How to help an injured bird

The first thing to do is identify whether you have found a hatchling, a nestling

Causes and treatments of osteoarthritis in pets

Osteoarthritis is a huge problem in dogs and cats and often goes unrecognised.

How do you keep an indoor cat happy?

It’s good for your cat in many ways to keep her indoors—but how do you